Tuesday 1 September 2009

Life in the fa(s)t lane

I think it's funny how some of the greatest pleasures come from such silly little things. I've commented here before about the immense satisfaction available from puncturing the seals on Nutella jars. Today, I found myself absurdly happy after reading a new post on a friend's blog that essentially just said that things were going really well for her. But on the way home, it suddenly struck me that there's something that happens to me virtually every day that brings me immense pleasure and is ridiculously simple: zipping past traffic on my bike. When the sun's shining and all you see are people (well, mostly blurs of people) sat in the sweltering heat of their cars, going nowhere, with nothing but the brake lights of the car in front for scenery and you are proceeding merrily along the same road, you can't help but smile. But then it gets even better, when you realise every minute they sit in traffic, it's costing them money for petrol, whereas you're not only going fast for free, but getting healthier and fitter with every metre.

It's a bit more difficult to be quite so happy about it when there's lashing rain and it's cold and wet, but actually, I think I'm generally still happier that I'm out on my bike than in a car. At least I know I'm not going to get fat while I'm still cycling!

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