Monday 5 July 2010


We tend to think of hunger as a bad thing. It usually is, I suppose; especially if you consider how much malnutrition and starvation is happening in the world. But it struck me today that hunger isn't always a bad thing. I was on my way back home after a run that followed a cycle, and I was hungry. I mean really hungry. But there was something sort of... pleasurable about it, and not in a masochistic way. It was a niggling hunger that I knew wouldn't go away unless I ate something - not even a distraction would shake it. Just enough discomfort to make me know that I'd had a decent workout, but not enough to be painful (I daresay almost anyone who has hit the wall before will probably agree that hunger can be painful). And then I started fantasising about the food and drink I would have when I eventually made it back. I think this is the best bit of being that hungry - the anticipation of the first bite of food or the first gulp of drink. Sometimes I get pretty weird cravings for things when I have an exercise-induced pang of hunger; this time around it was pretty normal - I wanted some cola-flavoured sweets.

So yeah... that's about it really. Hunger can be pleasurable sometimes...

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