Tuesday 26 July 2011

I've just had an idea that'll save the world

Well, not really. But it's a pretty darned good one at least. I'm pretty keen on renewable energy on the whole (although I do think that the appropriate near-to-mid-term strategy is nuclear), but there's a big problem with on-shore wind energy; that of siting the wind turbines. I personally think they're actually quite beautiful, elegant things, but I realise that that view isn't shared by everyone. Back in 2008, I went to Berlin for a conference, and on the flight over, I noticed that Germany has a heck of a lot of wind farms. The UK equivalent is golf courses. So... are you thinking what I'm thinking, Pinky? Mini windmills have been placed on crazy golf courses for a century and work brilliantly, increasing the fun of the game... so why not scale the whole thing up, produce some clean energy and make golf less dull all in one fell swoop?

I'll be waiting for notice of my knighthood to appear in my pidge...

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